At Deens Academy , we believe that parental engagement can positively influence pupil learning and progress.
The school uses multiple methods to communicate with parents:
1. Different departments can be contacted in school directly for any requirement for immediate resolution of any query. The details of the same are listed on the following page on the website
*Do remember to add your wards name, grade and campus for all communications to the school
2. The school sends circulars and notices through a gmail accounts:
Deens Academy Gunjur Mails <>
At the beginning of the year Class google groups have been created and emailed to you. This is a no-reply email used to send general notices and circulars of the school.
3. School Canvas is a School Information Management Software (ERP) that enables important information from the School to reach you.
Alerts, notices, circulars, school calendar and newsletters will be sent to you through ERP on a regular basis. Assessment reports too will be sent to individual students on their respective IDs. Fees receipts can be downloaded from ERP directly..
Parents are requested to check ‘ERP parent portal’ daily for updates.
The following is the Web link to the Parental Portal:
Should you have any difficulty, please contact
4. Microsoft teams : To facilitate online classes ( presently Saturday school only ) we have been using Microsoft (teams) platform. A user name is created along with a password and shared with you when the new session commences. This username will display your ward’s student ID when they are invited to the various classrooms in the online time table.
Parent teacher meetings are also held from time to time on this platform.
You may write to if you have any issues with login after you have received the login credentials. The help line for the same is 7022421969
5. Social Pages: The school regularly posts photographs and records of events and accolades on our official Facebook pages . Do take a look.
6. Events like Volksfiesta ( annual interschool fest hosted by Deens Academy) and DMUN( Mock United Nations) have their official Instagram pages.