Fee Structure

What does the fee include?

The fee includes tuition fees, stationary for activities in class, books and 2 sets of uniforms.

What does the fee not include?

The Annual fees does not include Transportation, Canteen Charges, Personal stationary item of students, Shoes and Sports Uniforms.

Is there an admission fee?

Yes, a processing fee of Rs. 20000/- will be charged once admission is confirmed.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes 5% of annual fee

What is the fee structure for 2016-2017?

Fee structure and payments schedule for the next academic year is as follows

PG TO UKG 50000 30000 16500 96500 20000
I TO VI 50000 35000 16000 101000 20000
LAST DATE At admission 5TH MARCH 5TH SEPT At admission

(a) refund before the session commences is 60% of what has been paid  as tuition fees. The processing fee is non refundable  under any circumstances.What is the fee refund policy?

(b) no refund of any amount after the session commences; rather the full years fee has to be remitted for the TC to be processed.

What is the fee for Transportation?

Go to Details of the Transport service . The cost is dependent on distance from school.  For details contact the Director Facilities Mr Atiq : df@deensacademy.com

Distance in Kms 1st Term Fee 2nd Term Fee
0-1 7500 7500
1.1-3 9900 9900
3.1-7 13050 13050
7.1-10 13650 13650
10.1-15 16800 16800
15.1 & Above 18000 18000